The people of Lira and their culture

The Lango are a Nilo-Hamitic ethnic group of the Ateker peoples. They live in north-central Uganda, in a region that covers the area formerly known as the Lango District until 1974, when it was split into the districts of Apac and Lira, and subsequently into several additional districts. The current Lango Region now includes the districts of Amolatar, Alebtong, Apac, Dokolo, Kole, Lira, Oyam, Otuke, and Kwania. The total population of the Lango District is around 1,500,000.[1]

The Lango speak in “LebLango”, a mixture of Ateker peoples dialects and broken Luo languages.

Although many Lango practice Islam or Christianity, the influence of traditional beliefs still plays a significant role in the religious lives of the Lango. In traditional Lango myth, each individual has a guardian spirit and metaphysical soul. Additionally, ancestral cults and belief in the supreme god, Jok, played a large role in the religion.[11]

Primary occupations of the Lango people include farming and raising livestock.